Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fresh Starts and New Beginnings featuring Grace Duncan

     In my earliest writing memories, I vaguely recall making up stories to go with the pictures I colored as a child. Those got more and more fantastic as I got older, often times getting me into a lot of trouble. Even with the trouble, my mother encouraged me. She put books in my hand as soon as I could hold them and the more I read, the more stories I wanted to write.
     Then high school happened. As with a lot of us, I did my best to fade into the background. I had a few friends, and I was happy about it. I still made up stories and adored the assignments that included creative writing.
     Until my sophomore year. I will never in my life forget being handed a story with a big, fat red “F” on it and my teacher telling me not to quit my day job.
(Entirely aside from being in tenth grade and too young for a job, I couldn’t wrap my head around a teacher saying that.)
     The comment was enough to completely derail any confidence I had in storytelling. I stopped writing altogether. I couldn’t stop the stories from forming in my head, but I refused to write them down. I had never had much self-esteem to begin with and when someone who supposedly knows good writing tells me I can’t write, well, that was simple enough for me.
     My friends badgered me into the Writer’s Group but I didn’t do a lot with it. My senior year, I worked in the library and the head librarian talked me into working on the literary magazine with her. I even submitted a poem to it. But I never looked at it. I couldn’t.
     It took me years to get past that. Privately, for a while, I dabbled in writing things down. No full stories, just bits here and there that I thought of. Then I managed to put together the first chapter of what promised to be a long story. And my now-ex-husband tore it to shreds so badly, I retreated again.
     It wasn’t until almost six years ago, in fact, that I thought about writing my stories down again. By this time, I’d remarried to someone who knew how to be supportive and it was all his encouragement that I posted my first fanfiction story on the internet. Imagine my shock… when people liked it.
Talk about a boost of confidence! Well, I started writing a lot more. I wrote some thirty novel-length fanfiction stories. I’d started getting into alternate universes and was talking to a friend of mine about one I wanted to write. He challenged me to make it original, find new characters, build my world completely.
     A year after that… Choices was published.

     I don’t talk to that friend anymore. But I will be forever grateful for his challenge. More people than I ever thought possible buy and read my books. Take that, high school English teacher.

Tagline: In a world that's gone to hell, will you let old fears keep you from the chance at more than just survival?

     When Duncan stumbles into a pharmacy in search of something to fix his broken leg, he’s surprised to find someone else there. Like the rest of the post-pandemic world, it appeared empty. Instead, he discovers Mark, a former nurse who walked away from his profession after losing too many patients to the virus. Despite swearing he’d never practice medicine again, Mark patches Duncan up over Duncan's protests. He even finds an abandoned house in the tiny town, and they settle in until Duncan heals enough to look out for himself. Much to the chagrin of both, they find themselves caring for each other.
     Duncan welcomes it, thrilled at finding someone he can trust. However, he’s well aware of the shadows in Mark’s eyes and understands Mark’s reticence as he learns the story. But as he’s starting to do things for himself again, Duncan realizes he doesn’t want Mark to leave. He’s not sure if can get Mark to let go of his fears so they can stay together and love. But Duncan’s damned sure going to try.

The Buy link or get it on Amazon or  AllRomance eBooks! 

Grace’s Bio:
Grace Duncan grew up with a wild imagination. She told stories from an early age - many of which got her into trouble. Eventually, she learned to channel that imagination into less troublesome areas, including fanfiction, which is what has led her to writing male/male erotica.

A gypsy in her own right, Grace has lived all over the United States. She has currently set up camp in East Texas with her husband and children - both the human and furry kind. 

As one of those rare creatures who loves research, Grace can get lost for hours on the internet, reading up on any number of strange and different topics. She can also be found writing fanfiction, reading fantasy, crime, suspense, romance and other erotica or even dabbling in art.
Grace’s website:
Twitter: @GraceRDuncan

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