Every year I write resolutions about weight, writing, finances, and other more general things. And I generally keep these resolutions... for about a week. Then life happens. Stress and sadness intervene and it all goes down hill from there. I have decided to stop the cycle this year. I did not make resolutions. AT ALL.
Instead, I decided to go a different route. In December, I started talking to people about things that I generally make resolutions about and asked who among my friends had similar goals. And we worked together to create CHALLENGES. So, going into 2015 I have 4 challenges that I will work toward because I have support, interaction, and most importantly for me, accountability.
That makes all the difference in the world for me. I am very self motivated when I want to accomplish something simple or short term. But when it comes to long term goals or creating new routines, I will openly admit, I suck at it. The way I went about my resolutions is that I started looking at the things that were most important to me: My writing, My weight, My reading, and Language Studies and I found groups or created groups of people interested in being a part of these life changes with me. And I will be regularly posting both my goals and my accomplishments once a week on my blog. And there on the groups, I will aim to post every few days.
A bit more about my challenges for 2015:
My Writing.... Although I have aimed to write every day for the last four years, most days, when I don't feel like it or I am "too busy" I just don't do it. I am so grateful for the 27 person army in The Write Path group who have all banded together to fight to help my dream become a reality. Because of them and their support, while I did not make my goal of writing 500 words a day I did manage to blog 24 out of the 31 days. I count that as a victory.
I will blog more about my other three challenges tomorrow! So check out my blog at www.wtprater.wordpress.com and/or you can find out more about me in general by visiting my website www.wtprater.com
::shakes pom poms:: You can do it!