Saturday, March 14, 2015

Getting Lucky featuring Joe Cosentino

Jerry and Me
LA CAGE AUX FOLLES is my favorite musical. I am a huge fan of its musical creator, Jerry Herman, who wrote HELLO, DOLLY, MAME, MACK AND MABEL, and THE GRAND TOUR on Broadway.
As a college theatre professor, I took my students to see the 2004 Broadway revival of LA CAGE on a Wednesday matinee during its previews. It starred Gary Beach, Daniel Davis, and Gavin Creel. My students and I were seated in the rear of the theatre, as is usually the case for group student sales.
A few minutes before the curtain went up, I spotted Jerry Herman sitting in the third row center orchestra with a group of elderly patrons. Since my students were otherwise engaged in cell phone heaven, I made my way to the front of the orchestra and stood in the aisle next to Jerry Herman’s seat. Sounding like Lauren Bacall with a cold, I said, “Mr. Herman, I’ve seen all of your plays, and I own all of your musical CDs, and I loved your autobiography.” I spoke faster than a patter song on fast forward.
“Thank you so much,” Jerry Herman replied with a gracious smile as he pulled down the jacket of his black suit.
After the king of the musical theatre kindly signed the cover of my playbill (over Harvey Fierstein’s name), the lights began to fade in the theatre. “These people aren’t coming.” Jerry Herman pointed to the seats next to him. “You can sit here.”
As if struck by lightning, I fell into the chair next to Jerry Herman. 
The curtain went up on the amazing show. I reveled in every hysterically funny and moving scene, and was moved by each brilliant song—while sitting next to Jerry Herman. I literally rubbed elbows with him as we both applauded wildly at the end of each number.
At intermission, after I checked on my students (still in cell phone euphoria), Jerry Herman and I (I love the sound of that) discussed the show’s many attributes. After the curtain call, I thanked Mr. Herman for the seat. “Mr. Herman, I’m sure this show will win the Tony Award for Best Musical Revival.”
“From your mouth to God’s ears,” Jerry Herman replied with a wink.
Months later when watching the Tony Awards on television, I cheered as LA CAGE AUX FOLLES indeed won the award for Best Musical Revival (and Best Choreography) that year. I wondered if Jerry Herman thought of me. I sure thought of him.
Joe Cosentino is the author of Paper Doll, the first Jana Lane mystery (Whiskey Creek Press), An Infatuation (Dreamspinner Press), Drama Queen, the first Nicky and Noah mystery (Lethe Press-releasing this summer), and The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (Eldridge Plays and Musicals). He has appeared in principal acting roles in film, television, and theatre, opposite stars such as Bruce Willis, Rosie O’Donnell, Nathan Lane, Holland Taylor, and Jason Robards. His one-act plays, Infatuation and Neighbor, were performed in New York City. He wrote The Perils of Pauline educational film (Prentice Hall Publishers). Joe is currently Head of the Department/Professor at a college in upstate New York, and is happily married. His upcoming novels are Porcelain Doll (the second Jana Lane mystery) and Drama Muscle (the second Nicky and Noah mystery).

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